
FAQs: How to Make a Post, Edit, Delete & More

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Staff member
Apr 11, 2019
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How to Make a Post

Before following the instructions below, in order to make a post, you will first need to register for an account and be logged in. If you aren't, you won't be able to post an advertisement.


To post an ad, simply click the link above and then click the link to the category you'd like to post to from the list that appears. Once you do that, you'll be presented with a few fields to fill in. Fill them in, click the Post Thread button that's below the area you just typed in and you should be all set. We'll approve it and then it will be live on our website. Thanks!
How to Edit a Post

We've seen a trend occurring here on MotoClassifieds.US where someone starts a new thread, writes what they'd like to write and then submits it for approval. We approve the thread and then we see another thread created a little while later. This new thread is almost identical to the previous one. We then notice that the member deleted the previous thread because they wanted it replaced by the new one. The reason they give for deletion is something like, "Needed to update some information..." or something like that.

I'm here to say that there's no need to delete an existing thread due to updated information. All you need to do is simply edit it. To edit a post inside of a thread, scroll down to the bottom of the thread and then click on the Edit link. From there, the post will become editable once more and you can update whatever you'd like to update. When you're finished, save the post and if it hasn't been approved by us yet, we'll approve it. If it's already been approved, the post will update immediately. It's really that easy, so again, there's no need to delete what you've already created. Simply edit it from now on to update the information contained within it.
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How To Delete a Post or a Thread

If you would no longer like the thread you created on this website to be live and active, you may delete it. Be warned though, if you initially created the thread, when you delete it, all posts that were written after it will be deleted as well. To delete the thread, simply scroll to the bottom of your first post in the thread and locate the Delete link. Click that link and follow the easy instructions that appear.

The same steps apply for deleting individual posts that you may have added to someone else's thread. If you scroll to the bottom of your post in their thread, you can click the Delete link there and follow the instructions thereafter.
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How To Add, Delete & Update Photos in a Post

If you'd like to either add, delete or update photos in your post, you can do so easily. To accomplish this task, you'll need to first navigate to the post in question. You'll also need to be logged into your account. Once you're at the post, scroll down the bottom of it. Then, click the Edit link. When you do that, you'll notice that the post goes into edit mode and that you can edit both the text as well as any images that have been previously posted.

If you'd like to add a photo, scroll to the bottom of the post again and click on the Attach Files button. Then, navigate to your image(s) and upload it from there. Once it's uploaded to our website, you'll need to insert it into your ad. Find a spot in your ad and then click either the Thumbnail or Full Image button. When you're finished, click the Save button.

If you'd like to delete an image, first delete it from your ad by clicking on it and then pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. Then, click on the Delete button that's near the uploaded file below.

If you'd like to update an image that's already been included in a post, simply delete the original photo and then add a new one in its place. This is a very straightforward process.

Let us know if you have any trouble and we'd be happy to help. Thanks!
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